Emilies blog

DigitalPause is active in the public debate about children and screens. We act as thought leaders, enriching the debate with facts, knowledge and opinions. Blog posts will be in Danish and English. Read the blogs from Emilie - and feel free to comment.

Emilie Normann
Founder, DigitalPause

Emilie Normann Emilie Normann

Vores børn er digitale forsøgskaniner

Vores børn er digitale forsøgskaniner. Vi ved alt for lidt om, hvad det kommer til at betyde for vores børns liv, at de allerede som helt små har adgang til mobiltelefoner, tablets og computere. Alligevel har børn i Danmark et højere skærmforbrug end børn i de lande, vi normalt sammenligner os med.

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Emilie Normann Emilie Normann

Thank you for visiting the site. 

Launched in autumn 2022, DigitalPause is a new critical knowledge universe, a community and a movement towards more digital responsibility. We are many things at once.

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