Professional network

DigitalPause is a knowledge universe, which is why we have created a Professional Network of experienced experts and professionals whose knowledge supports the knowledge universe. The Professional Network will consist of experts and professionals with experience in children and young people, learning and pedagogy, digital health, child well-being and digital trends. The Professional Network helps to ensure the quality and relevance of DigitalPause and our mission.

The Professional Network is under construction, but will grow as DigitalPause grows.

If you know of a good professional or expert who you think could be part of the Professional Network, please write to us. Thank you for your interest.

Our experts

Emilie Normann

Digital expert
Emilie has worked with public digitalization for 20 years. As head of analysis and research in the Technology Pact, chief consultant at the Danish Technological Institute, in the EU Commission DG INFSO, external lecturer at the IT University and in the English Office of the E-Envoy.

Bolette Bentzen

School teacher
Graduated in 1998. Mathematics and physics/chemistry as main subjects. Bolette has worked as a primary school teacher for 20 years at all grade levels. She has taught math, physics and science/technology.