10 Principles

DigitalPause has formulated a set of guidelines on what is important to consider when prioritizing digital on behalf of children, based on research and knowledge.

We call them the 10 principles.

1. Good child communities and well-being are best built without screens and digital distractions

2. Let's give our children the space for the necessary creative development.

3. Evidence-based development. We know far too little about the real learning from digital teaching and the use of digital tools and platforms, at the expense of ordinary creative and academic lessons. We know for sure from international and Danish studies that:

-. Children are harmed by too much screen time

-. Too much screen time and technology has a negative impact on children's development: they develop emotional and behavioral problems such as hyperactivity, poor concentration, short attention span, and difficulty connecting with other children and forming friendships.

4. There is a high level of unhappiness among young people due to social media - we must take this knowledge seriously and shield the younger children

5. Children and young people do not understand digital consequences and social media, and younger children cannot act on their own as digitally literate individuals.

6. We want a more nuanced and informed debate on the impact and real value of digital learning for young children.

7. We need to clean up digital curricula in kindergartens and primary schools and reduce the digital demands on our children.

8. Digital learning resources and tools must be COMPLETELY removed from day care centers and severely restricted in school classes up to grade 3 and in school after-school programs.

9. We will introduce action plans for children's digital well-being in all municipalities across the country.

10. We want a broader policy focus on children's digital well-being and an accountable digital policy framework for children and young people.