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Launched in autumn 2022, DigitalPause is a new critical knowledge universe, a community and a movement towards more digital responsibility. We are many things at once: 

We are an organization working with very clear objectives: We want a new understanding of how digital disrupts children's communities and prevents active play and meaningful learning. We want to bring more knowledge into digital decision-making. When society wants to roll out more IT and digital services in day care centers and primary schools, we say stop. We want a real change in relation to children's use of screens; ipads, mobiles and digital aids should not be part of children's everyday lives in day care centers, small school classes and school leisure activities. We want a popular movement where we stop, take our common concern for the many screens seriously, and take a digital pause for thought.   

We are a knowledge universe that brings together research, analysis, knowledge and articles from Denmark and abroad in one place. Today, we know too little about the real learning benefits of using digital tools and platforms at the expense of regular creative and academic lessons. We know too little about the real learning benefits of using digital tools and platforms at the expense of ordinary creative and academic lessons, which is why a new knowledge center is needed.  

We are a community of concerned parents, responsible adults, young people and professionals who want knowledge, arguments and insights in one place - and at the same time want to share their experiences and wishes with each other. We want to initiate a nuanced and evidence-based debate on the harmful effects of screens and digital platforms in daycare centers and schools, and for that we need more voices. 

DigitalPause will have a professional network of researchers, teachers, educators, IT behavioral scientists etc. who have knowledge about the effects of too much screens, phones and social media and what they mean for our children's healthy and creative development and learning. DigitalPause will organize debates and dialog meetings where everyone is welcome. 

DigitalPause is founded by Emilie Normann. I am a digitalization expert and have been working with public digitalization and e-learning since 2004. I have worked for three years in the EU Commission's DG INFSO, as an official in the Office of the e-Envoy in England; I have taught e-government at the IT University, prepared a large number of major reports and analyzes on public IT and public innovation via IT, including as chief consultant at the Danish Technological Institute, and for the last 1.5 years I have been head of research and analysis in the Danish national initiative Teknologipagten. All in all, I have a long background in digitalization, e-learning and public IT. 

Working in IT and innovation for the past 15 years, I have long been concerned about the extent to which digitalization and screens have become part of children's lives. That is why I have now founded DigitalPause. g more. Or maybe you have a creative project


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