Young children and screen-based media: The impact on cognitive and socioemotional development and the importance of parental mediatio
This article is a US-litterature review. It was brought in Elsevier in 2023, and describes the risks and benefits of screen-based media use on cognitive and socioemotional development by reviewing research findings published in a longer period - since 2010. The articles focuses on children between 0 and 5 years of age, as it is a period of accelerated brain development and emergence and growth of cognitive abilities within several cognitive domains. It provides findings around content-based, content-independent, form-based, and social-based theories of the impact of screen-based media on development, highlighting the role parents play in their children's relationship with screen-based media. In addition, the authors also provide recommendations for future research and practical guidelines for parents, medical practitioners, policymakers, and the media industry.