Digital Pause

DigitalPause is about knowledge

DigitalPause is an European organization working to reduce screens in schools and children’s lives. We are a critical knowledge-hub that collects facts, insights and articles on kids and screens from international media and research. We are a community for people who care and want a screen-free childhood.

Why DigitalPause

DigitalPause is a new international organization working to reduce screens in children’s and teenagers lives. Research shows that using screens is harmful, especially for young children.

DigitalPause is a knowledge centre with a societal purpose. It is set up along three dimensions:

Scientific: bringing together existing knowledge, articles and science and developing new knowledge

Policy: collecting case studies, good practises, guidelines and studies acrodss Europe

Political: taking the debate to the EU institutions, ensuring attention and new and responsible regulations and direcives.

DigitalPause provides knowledge and insights from Denmark, Europe and abroad for anyone who wants more information - professionals, families and concerned citizens. We collect relevant knowledge so you can find the latest research, articles, insights and arguments on the effects of screen time in children's lives.

DigitalPause is a community for sharing experiences, concerns and good initiatives.

You can make a difference- join our community or use our free knowledge-hub to support the change you want. Together we create a new awareness and ensure a much needed digital pause.

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Policy and society

Tech trends

We are a community

About DigitalPause

DigitalPause is a new community for people concerned about children's screen use.


We are a community of people who care about the consequences of children's digital consumption - from Denmark and abroad.

10 principles

We want to become a community and a popular movement to ensure a screen-free childhood.

Initiator and founder

Emilie Normann

My concern - our mission 

Children's well-being is a shared responsibility. It is about ensuring a happy and safe childhood and a society, where we are part of meaningful communities. I have two boys, aged 9 and 11, whom I try to shield from too much screen time. This is increasingly difficult with invasive digital technology being part of their learning and social environments: kindergarten, school, after-school clubs and play with friends.  

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